Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Enable Context Menu
In CRM, the context menu is disabled incase if we want to View the Source of the page or debug some customizations. To enable the context menu in CRM, we have to update the Global.js. Global.js file resides in the scripts folder under C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\_common. After opening the file, we can search for the document.oncontextmenu() function in Global.js file. Then, we can add the even.returnValue = true; line followed by commenting rest of the lines of that function. The function will look like:
function document.oncontextmenu()
event.returnValue = true;
var s = event.srcElement.tagName;
(!event.srcElement.disabled &&
(document.selection.createRange().text.length > 0
s == "INPUT" && event.srcElement.type == "text"));
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